As a breeder of Golden Retrievers, it is our hope is to raise puppies
who will go on to do a wide scope of things
with the talents this breed is known for.
Purposefully and Thoughtfully Planned
We celebrate that our Golden Retrievers have gone on to do great things with their talents for ourselves and their owners. This breed is very talented and capable of such a wide scope of tasks. The primary one of all of them is to be a great companion and friend.
Here I just wanted so showcase a few of our dogs and what they have done in addition to having a heart of gold.

MBISS GCH CH Arkgold Amica the Missing Piece CCA
Puzzle is our keeper puppy from our litter with Arson and Butter. She is absolutely a delightful and loving girl. She has great bone and coat, good angles, great movement and a solid topline. She smiles and lights up the room. Puzzle is super easy to live with and fun! She loves to do anything to please you. Puzzle finished her AKC championship with three majors and quickly finished her Grand Championship. She is so fun and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for this sweet girl! We are very proud of this team!
OFA hips Good, OFA elbows normal, OFA heart by cardiologist, and has OFA eyes.
BISS GCH Arkgold Trademark Got My Name in Lights CGC DN
Congratulations to Marlo and Claudie Grayson on their journey with "Boujie" from us. Boujie was a special puppy winning BPIS, Best in Sweeps and Best of Opp in Sweeps. She was fourth place in 12-18 months at the 2021 National Speciality. She is a GCH winning BISS, BOSS and group winning. She also has her dock diving DN. We are cheering them on as the campaign for the 2023 top twenty!
BOSS CH Arkgold Eeveelution CD DS CGC TKN
Congratulations to Maegan and Bryceson Nunley on their journey with Eevee from us. Eevee finished her championship all owner-handled and with a BOSS! This is incredibly difficult to do in Goldens. Eevee is beauty and brains having success in both obedience with her CD and in dock diving with her DS! Eevee is currently working on her GCH and enjoys playing in the NOHS.
CH Arkgold Magic Pegasus With Grace CGC, TKN, RN,DN
Congratulations to Marlo and Claudie Grayson for finishing Arkgold's first CH, Miss Peggie! The Grayson's completed Peggie's Rally Novice and Dock Novice titles in addition to her CGC and TKN. Peggie was an AKC puppy of Achievement before she went on to finish her championship. Way to go Peggie Sue!
CH Arkgold Wheels Up for the Highlands DJ CGC
Congratulations to Linda Vinson on her journey with Isla from us. Isla has her Dock Diving Novice title and her CGC. She is a group placing finished AKC Champion.
CH Arkgold Amica Soaking Up the Rays
I love this girl! She is gorgeous inside and out. Raye is a Group 1 winning in Owner Handled series and in the All breed show. She is a finished AKC champion with Grand Champion points. Raye loves car rides, adventures, children, and other pets. She loves to snuggle and smiles extra big from the inside. She is our Ray of Sunshine!
She has her AKC CHIC number and has had DNA tests in addition to this.
Raye: OFA: hips Good, OFA Elbows Clear, OFA EYES Normal 2023, and OFA Heart cardiologist Normal, ICT clear DNA PRA Clear, DNA PRA_GR Clear, MD clear, DNA profiled. CHIC