As a breeder of Golden Retrievers, it is our hope is to raise puppies
who will go on to do a wide scope of things
with the talents this breed is known for.
The future is brighter because of you.
GCH Trademark's Laughing on the Inside with Arkgold CA
Her pedigree is to knock your socks off, but what is extra cool about her is that she has the personality to equally match it. So I am here to introduce the next Miss America of Golden Retrievers- Miss Chuckles.
As a puppy, Chuckles was awarded Best in Sweeps in Tx and Best of Opposite in Sweeps in Oklahoma. When she was growing up she received 5 major reserves and many of them being at specialities. She finished with CaBo handling and was presented beautifully with them for her grand Championship which she completed very quickly. We are working on her SDHF and she was awarded a sporting group two against more than 500 dogs. She is one very special girl! Chuckles also has her lure coursing title with AKC. From Chuckles' first litter her daughter Boujie is in the Show Dog Hall of Fame, the Top Twenty for 2023, and a Grand Champion of Bronze. We are excited for her puppies who are out showing currently.
OFA hips Good, elbows normal, OFA Heart by Cardiologist Normal, OFA Eyes Normal 2022. Clear DNA for ICT and PRAs
Int CH Astra S Icskogo Ustya
This darling soul has the most adoring personality. She is extremely sweet and kind hearted. She has a thoughtful and bidable nature. Anya has the most stunning headpiece and a very nice structure with a very powerful front. We imported her from Russia and am so grateful to her breeder for sharing her with us. Together we have gotten to enjoy so much because she is such an adaptable and easy going gal.
She has her AKC CHIC number and has had DNA tests in addition to this. Anya: OFA: GOOD, OFA Elbows Clear, OFA EYES Normal, and OFA Heart cardiologist Normal, ICT carrier, DNA PRA Clear, DNA PRA_GR Clear, MD clear, DNA profiled. CHIC
Int Ch Titus with a Heart of Gold CA CGC
Titus is just a big sweet guy. He has his AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Lure Coursing Title, 2 Junior Hunter AKC Qualifiers, AKC achiever dog, and his International Championship with multiple time BOB. He has World Champion Bloodlines. My favorite thing about Titus is his big heart. He is very willing to please and do things just to make me happy. I can trust him when we do therapy work and he is just a great buddy and friend. He puts a great easy going temperament on his puppies and a nice stocky build and headpiece. Titus weighs around 75 pounds and is to standard height. He is a good retriever and loves to do anything around people. His grandsire is Dewmist Silkscreen! He is an AKC Achiever Dog. He has his AKC CHIC number and has had DNA tests in addition to this. Titus: OFA: GOOD, OFA Elbows Clear, OFA EYES Normal, and OFA Heart cardiologist Normal, ICT carrier, DNA PRA Clear, DNA PRA_GR Clear, DNA profiled.
CH Amica L on Wheels @ Arkgold
Tesla finished his AKC Championship in a flash! He finished with three majors! He is a very loving boy. He has a very gentle personality and loves being with his people. He is on the smaller size of the standard but a broad bodied boy. He is OFA EXCELLENT in hips! What a sweet face and boy! He has successfully produced an AKC Champion and many service and therapy working dogs. His sire was the number one ranked Golden when he was campaigned (Dylan). Telsa is an easy going spirit and loving dog.
OFA- hips excellent, elbows normal, eyes normal 2023, heart by cardiologist normal
DNA- ICT clear, PRA1 clear, Pra2 clear, NCL clear, MD clear
Frozen semen available.
Arkgold Flora By the Lakeshore CCA
Flora is a gentled hearted girl with a moderate coat and fun loving spirit. She likes water and enjoys exploring. She has a lighter colored coat, is around 21 inches at the withers. She loves toys, other dogs, and gets along with everyone... even sometimes the cats. Her pedigree is more of the European family history.
Flora: OFA: GOOD, OFA Elbows Clear, OFA EYES Normal 2023, and OFA Heart cardiologist Normal. CHIC