As a breeder of Golden Retrievers, it is our hope is to raise puppies
who will go on to do a wide scope of things
with the talents this breed is known for.

How special you are my dear dream dog...
Family Friendly, Obedient, Retriever, Companion, Loyal, Gentle, Athletic, Devoted, Beautiful, Loving, Smart, Fun, Considerate, Versatile, People-oriented, Friend...
The Golden Retriever breed’s story began in the 1800’s in Great Britain with Lord Tweedmouth. Since then, fanciers dedicated themselves to perfecting the breed into what we enjoy today. This perfection is based now on standards and dogs are judged against these requirements. Breeders want dogs who are successful in these areas, as proof that their dogs are of type. Golden Retrievers are a breed successfully competed in Obedience, Conformation, Agility, and Hunting/Field trials.
What is an Golden Retriever? Any breed is defined by a set of standards and in American those are given to the AKC. The Golden Retriever Club of America dictates the Standards which is regulated by the American Kennel Club. Here is a link to their page: http://www.grca.org/history_breed/breed_standard.html These standards are also how Golden Retrievers are judged against in the show ring in the States. The Golden Retriever breed is very versatile and is gifted at many skills. This allows a dog specifically breed towards certain goals to be successful in events like obedience, field work, and also potentially for service or therapy work. A well bred Golden is known for their adaptability and what great companions they make.
The GRCA is a great resource for information on the breed and the health tests we do with OFA. Please go to the club website for great information about the breed. OFA.org also has information on the health screens we do. For the basics a breeder should do the OFA hips (or Penn-hip and submit to a searchable public database), OFA elbows, OFA heart by a cardiologist, and OFA eyes yearly. There are important DNA tests we can do including NCL, ones for rental dysplasia, a skin condition called Ichthyosis and others are being added every year.
In my opinion, any true lover of the breed does not let color get in the way of seeing something great. In showing dogs, the most important aspect is the way the dog is built. If you have a nicely made dog, that dog should move with grace and efficiency. Never judge a dog by its color. We do not discriminate here. We just see each dog and it's talents and try to allow them to shine as individuals. A truly beautifully built dog is appreciated anywhere. Golden Retrievers with their typical character is also something to be treasured and selected for. Biasses arise, but when it all comes down to it- the structure, intelligence, and temperament based on the dog’s genetics is what counts. This foundation will also determine much of the health of the dog as well. Our major goal is to be a “Golden Retriever Melting Pot,” selecting for the best in what we see in hopes of contributing something to the breed. We love our dogs, the opportunity to do many things we love with them, and while receiving enjoyment by sharing this joy with others who appreciate it.
If you are considering if a Golden Retriever is for you please read on....
You think you want to go for the Gold? Golden Retrievers make great companions and friends for life, but not without requiring a level for care and responsibility. Golden Retrievers are bred to be with people and crave that companionship. It is unfair for them to be without this need in their life. We want both the owners and the dogs to be blissfully happy together so there are some things you should consider.
Have you met a Golden Retriever before? Do you think their characteristics and temperament fit your lifestyle?
Are you ready to commit to this dog and its needs for the next 10-15 years?
Are you willing to accept the trials of puppy hood, and invest a considerable amount of time, money and patience in growing up your dream dog?
Goldens require proper amounts of exercise. Are you able to provide the space and willing to walk your dog if necessary to achieve this?
Goldens are what they eat, and you have control over this. Quality dog food is more expensive, but worth it in the long run.
Any dog requires proper vet care, are you able to give this?
Goldens LOVE water and LOVE retrieving. They are bred for this. If you have a pool they will think it was put their just for them. If you go to the lake, they will love you forever. Goldens first were hunting dogs, so they want to retrieve and put things in their mouth. They love caring around their toys and anything else that they can pick up and claim as their own.
Are you willing to read books or attend classes to train your puppy?
Do you want a watchdog? If yes, don’t get a Golden.
Will you ask your breeder if you need anything?
Are you willing to brush some beautiful dog hair and keep a lint roller available? Goldens shed fur and owners of them embrace this as a way of life.
If you are not able to be with your dog during the day, are you willing to teach your dog how to spend these hours alone or take your dog to a daycare? What type of training are you planning on doing with your dog? A puppy needs to be socialized both with people and other dogs.
What suits your goals and needs in a dog? A cross is done towards certain goals and finding a fit starts with looking at the parents of a litter.
What position will this dog hold in your life? Companion or working dog?
You will be this dog’s Universe. Are you up for that position?
You have a goal in mind for this puppy. You must ask your breeder the goals of a particular cross and make sure that cross matches what you are needing. This is a huge decision and a very large part of your life you will be sharing together.